The Black community has been rocked by the act of violence against a young Black girl which resulted in her losing her life on her way to school. Soul Purpose 360 sends its deepest condolences to the family of Elianne Andam.

The senseless murder of Elianne comes at a time when members of the Soul Purpose 360 national Black Women's Networking & Empowerment Circles across the UK have been raising concerns about Black women and personal safety in the light of numerous incidences.
In recent months, shocking social media videos have gone viral about the Black women and girls, some even making national headlines and as usual, they have not shown Black women in a good light. From the Black woman who was arrested over a bus fare that she had actually paid, to the Black woman who was strangled by a shop keeper for exercising her consumer rights in demanding a refund on faulty goods. The reporting and the comments on social media perpetuate a negative stereotype of Black women - that we are aggressive, angry, and troublesome. One national newspaper had the gall to use the words ‘alleged strangulation’ under a still of the video of the man with his firm grip around the woman’s neck. It looked pretty clear to me, that he was strangling her. These incidents sparked much conversation and debate in Black communities across the UK even leading to community action being taken against the shop where the strangulation took place.
Our young girls - daughters and nieces are not safe - as we have learned only too hard this week. In the recent past a Black girl was attacked by a group of girls, egged on by adults, Child Q was strip searched by police on school property for alleged drugs - none were found, but the degradation and humiliation cut deep, the psychological scars will remain. More recently the heart-breaking video of the young Black gymnast being passed by in the medal ceremony. The pain is not only physical, but psychologically traumatising too.
Too many Black women bear the scars of childhood experiences of racism, sexism and violence against the self - we have a right to be angry!
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